Annoying Things In Life - #4. A BACKFLIP is Not a Change of Opinion/Perspective!


Whilst I may not be the world’s best wordsmith, I have always enjoyed writing and the challenge of the correct (and sometimes quirky) use of the English language. However, there are certain times when the choice of word(s) used infuriates me, especially when it happens over and over again. For example, there are repeated occasions where the choice of word chosen by a newsreader or journalist is questionable and the context in which it is used inappropriate. One of my “favourite” annoying misuses of the English language occurs when the media is reporting a change of attitude by a government or some legislative body when it is stated they have done a “backflip” in their position in relation to an issue. I wish to respectfully call attention to the fact that when one performs a “backflip” you end up in exactly the same position as you started. It is along time since I have contemplated personally performing a backflip (make that “never”, or in my dreams) but I’m pretty sure if I did succeed, I would end up exactly where I started. If the intention is to convey the message that an opinion has been reversed or changed to the opposite previously promoted, then one does an “about face” in opinion, not a backflip. If you are reversing your opinion, ruling or stance on a position you are changing 180 degrees, not 360 degrees. Listen or read carefully in the coming weeks and you will see this term used repeatedly in these circumstances. There are many more examples I could use, but the backflip is my personal favourite and this post would be far too long if I kept using other examples! (did I mention “bought/ brought”! )
 Look out for my next posting in the following week


Annoying Things in life #5. Blunt Restaurant Knives


Annoying Things In Life - #3. Uneven Toaster